Status Report
Sample output from the NXE status command as displayed by Microsoft
Internet Explorer 6. This was created using the command: "http://localhost/cgi/nxe.pl?type=status¶m=statuslog1".
Transformed Status
The Web page displayed in the image was created by transforming the
XML from the first example on this page using the sample XSLT stylesheet
included in the NXE package. This page was created using the command:
Sample XSLT Stylesheet to transform NXE status
This is the stylesheet that was used in the HTML transform
example on this page.
Command Line use of NXE

Examples of each of the four different NXE v1r0 commands. In
this example, the output of each of these examples is being redirected
to a file with an extension of the proper type (xml or html). In command
line mode NXE can be used in a pipeline process to string together multiple
applications or commands. Note that XSLT style sheets can output much
more then just xml or html.
Sample of XML-RPC client usage of NXE

This is an example of using an XML-RPC client with NXE. This
example uses the client that comes included with the full NXE package.
In this example, the client is being run on a remote Win32 machine from
the command line. The client creates an XML-RPC request and queries
the NXE server. The client then returns the results freeing you from
the tedium of creating your own XML-RPC requests. In this example, the
output from the client is being dumped into files with the appropriate

(c) 2003 Daniel Koffler, XML Experts & RSM Experts